Washington: Pediatric information for Eastern Washington
Providence Pediatric Primary Clinics
Effective Monday, March 23, we have designated three of our pediatric clinics to see children with respiratory symptoms. Parents or guardians of the patients will need to check in for their appointment from their cars in the parking lot. The clinic will call their cellphone when it is time for the patient to enter the building for their appointment.
Pediatric patients experiencing respiratory symptoms will be directed to one of these three clinics:
- 1919 S. Grand Blvd., Spokane (509) 747-3081
- 1111 E. Westview Ct. Suite B, Spokane (509) 626-9430
- 23813 E. Appleway Ave., Liberty Lake (509) 928-6383
Pediatric patients who do not have respiratory issues will be directed to one of these three locations:
- 1402 S. Grand Blvd., Spokane (509) 455-8220
- 5011 W. Lowell Ave., Spokane (509) 385-0610
- 16528 E. Desmet St. B1000, Spokane Valley (509) 944-9440
We will temporarily close the pediatric location at 1414 N. Vercler Rd in Spokane Valley so we can consolidate resources.
Please note: Patients are allowed one person to accompany them to their appointment.